Use pen rest when you are taking a rest between writing or drawing to avoid ink splattered, it also prevents the pen fall from the desk accidentally.
The Creative Ink Holder's Pen Rest is compact and comes with a sleeve for easy carry around. You can choose from different colours to match your Inkwells from CIH.
Pen Rest Double
Size: 50*12 mm
Material: sand, epoxy, amber, gold foil, kraftex
Made in Russia
CreativeInkHolders is founded by husband and wife, Sergey and Kate, from Svetlogorsk, Russia, located on the coast of the Baltic Sea.
Kate's passion for calligraphy and Sergey's inquisitive mind led them to 3D printing, the first inkholder was born in 2017, which was a fun project for themselves. After years of prototype and development, their products have become one of the most desirable products for calligraphy lovers who appreciate CIH''s modern and chic esthetic.